
Corporate Governance

CSS stands for responsible, transparent and values-based corporate governance. It upholds these principles in directing and managing the company.

Even although it is not a listed company, CSS adheres to corporate governance guidelines and principles. These determine the system of rules regarding organisation, actions and transparency through which the company is controlled and directed. In doing so, it is guided by the «Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance» issued by economiesuisse, the umbrella organisation for the Swiss business sector.

Code of Conduct for the CSS Group

The success of the CSS Group depends on the trust of all our stakeholder groups: our clients, staff, service providers, business partners, civil society and the authorities. This Code of Conduct for CSS lays the foundation on which we can build, maintain and strengthen that trust. Trust is the basis of the strong reputation that CSS enjoys.


The objective of the Code of Conduct is to make members of the Board of Directors and all CSS staff aware of the applicable legal provisions and internal CSS requirements and oblige them to behave ethically. The Code of Conduct also helps us establish a shared system of values and a company culture in which people take responsibility for their actions. The Code of Conduct provides the framework for our activities on behalf of CSS. It underpins our work with our clients, staff, service providers, business partners, civil society and the authorities.

Whistle-blowing system

CSS has run an internal whistle-blowing system for reporting compliance breaches, especially financial crimes, since 2012. CSS employees can report incidents that contravene the law or internal regulations, policies and guidelines via the www.correctness.ch website without fear of retaliation. People outside the company have also been able to report breaches through this channel since 2017.

Reporting breaches

Would you like to report a breach – of generally accepted principles of insurance or regulations, for example? You can report breaches of the Code of Conduct anonymously via the whistle-blowing system, where you'll also find a detailed description of the kind of concerns that can be reported.

Whistle-blowing system