
Launch your career with CSS

What can you expect when applying to CSS? We explain the application process, introduce you to your first points of contact and give you tips on preparing for your interview.


You would like to meet us

We work with a professional recruitment platform. Upload your CV and all relevant documents such as certifications and letters of reference. A letter of motivation is not required.

Using first names is sacrosanct at CSS – right from the first contact, we use first names rather than Mr or Ms. We would like you to gain an authentic idea from the outset of what working here is like. For this reason, we abandon formal titles in correspondence and conversations, preferring to address you in a more personal way.

We look at your documents

We look through all your documents carefully and do everything we can to make sure you hear back from us within two weeks. If we decide we'd like to get to know you better, we invite you to attend an interview. Are you prepared?

We get to know each other

Each job profile is individual. And we’re convinced that the process of getting to know each other should be individual too. The first interviews often take place virtually via Microsoft Teams. In the first interview, it’s a case of us both getting an initial impression. Are you a good fit for us? Are we a good fit for you? We talk about our past experiences and what we envision, and you do the same.

Getting to know each other: We look forward to hearing more about your experiences and ideas.

Tips for the process of getting to know each other

  • Make sure you’re prepared!
    Success starts with good preparation: what is it about this particular position that interests you? Why are you the missing piece in our team? What would you like to have found out by the end of the interview? Think about your salary expectations, your ideal working hours and when you could start. And most important: find out about CSS.
  • Show what makes you unique
    Be honest, be natural and, above all, be yourself. This is the only way for both of us to find out whether you're a good match for us and we're a good match for you. Think about all the experience that you have already gained, about personal challenges, and special moments in your career.
  • Any questions? Fire away!
    Take the opportunity to dig deep and ask us all kinds of questions, but help us to discover more about you too. After all, we want this interview to be not only informative, but also of real value to you.

We go into detail together

If we both come away with a good impression, the next step is to get to know each other better. How many interviews or meetings follow varies. It’s important to us that we get an accurate picture of you – and you should also have the chance to examine us from all angles. You’ll be given plenty of opportunities to meet the team and find out more about your day-to-day work. Depending on the position, we may conduct external assessments.

And what happens next?

If we don't think you're the perfect match for the job, we'll let you know by phone. This will also be the occasion for you to learn more about the reasons.

If it’s a good fit from both sides – great! We’ll send you the contract documents. You’ll remain in contact with your line manager until you start your new job.

Welcome to CSS

On your first day at work, you’ll be welcomed by your line manager. He or she will introduce you to your new colleagues, explain the induction programme and organise a lunch together. In the first few days, you’ll also attend the Welcome Day, where you can meet others and learn a lot about CSS. Depending on your position, we’ll train you internally, enabling you to expand and deepen your expertise. The onboarding phase is designed to help you settle in smoothly at CSS.

Frequently asked questions

The answer is simple: as long as the job ad is online, you can apply. As soon as we've received enough applications, we remove the ad from our job platform. This can sometimes happen fast. So apply today – very simply, without a letter of motivation.

Yes, you can. If your qualifications and expertise fit the profile of several posts, you can apply for more than one job at CSS. By the way: did you see that you can also submit spontaneous applications? This gives you the chance to register your interest with us, even if we don’t currently have a suitable vacancy.

The magic words are “only online”. We advertise our vacancies via our online job platform. You’ll find the “Apply now” button next to every job ad. Follow the button – it will take you and your application directly to our inbox.

No, a letter of motivation is not required when applying for one of our vacancies. However, you can upload one voluntarily if you wish. There is a space for this on the application form.

For certain job profiles, we ask applicants a few questions in the application form. This is where we may ask about your motivation for applying for the position.

Yes, a complete dossier helps us to get a better picture of you. We therefore recommend that you upload your references and certifications with your application.

In each job ad, you'll see who you can contact if you have any further questions. This may be the recruiting consultant who'll happily answer any questions relating to the application process. A line manager may also be specified who will answer any questions relating to the content of the job.

You can be assured that we always advertise our positions with their respective possible working hours. So if a job is advertised at “60-80%”, this is the flexibility we’re able to offer. Incidentally, we endeavour to advertise all full-time positions with a minimum working hour percentage of 80-100%.

Yes, of course! At the bottom of our job platform you will find the button “Submit a spontaneous application”. There you will also find information on how to subscribe to the job newsletter. This will keep you up to date with our job vacancies.

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