Making headway with projects and ideas thanks to facilitators
We're boosting the culture of innovation within our company through the "Innovation methods@CSS" initiative. Trained facilitators from various divisions help move ideas and projects forward in a structured way.
Promoting innovation across all divisions
By innovation, we mean initiatives, projects and plans – big and small – that contribute new value to CSS and/or its clients. To date, ideas for innovations that aren't hugely complex have mainly been developed and advanced by the individual areas of the business. Then, in 2020, the "Innovation as a service" team was set up. It is headed by two innovation managers: Michèle Mühlemann and Dominik Schürmann. Together with the facilitators, they advise specialist units with an interest in innovation and help them to develop their ideas by means of a structured process.
Methodological support from facilitators
Teams from every division can call on facilitators to assist them with their plans. The facilitators join forces with the teams to offer them methodological support in devising client-centric solutions. They help create clarity, test ideas and understand client needs. The CSS facilitator pool currently numbers 27 innovation experts from various divisions. All of them have completed a training course at INNOArchitects and are familiar with design thinking, lean start-up, rapid prototyping and other agile methods. The facilitators guide the teams through the CSS innovation process, lead workshops and assist with the end-to-end planning of individual projects.