Children’s health

Having a healthy child is of great concern to parents. From baby to young child to teenager – receive valuable tips on children’s physical and mental development.



Speech fluency disorders among children aren't uncommon. But what if the condition persists?

Symptoms and therapy

First aid for children

Knowing what to do in an emergency gives us the confidence to handle.

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Neurodermatitis in babies

Household remedies for children's sensitive and itchy skin.

Important tips
Conjunctivitis in children: what helps


Why seeing a doctor is important and what brings relief at home.

What helps best
Mandeln entfernen: Wann ist es sinnvoll?

Negative effects of tonsil surgery?

Nothing has been proven. But it's still worth thinking long and hard about this operation.

Read the pros and cons
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Neurodermitis-Schulung für Kinder und Eltern

Itching in children

We help your child cope better with neurodermatitis, and provide tips.

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