Losing weight the healthy way

Would you like to shed a few kilos? We can help you lose weight. Reach your feel-good weight thanks to healthy eating tips, tasty recipes and motivation tricks.



It has few calories, looks like sugar and is thought to be a good substitute.

About the sweetener
Intermittierendes Fasten

Intermittent fasting

With a personal fasting pattern, losing weight the healthy way is easier.

Know the methods

How the DASH diet lowers blood pressure

Find out here what good the DASH diet does and how the eating plan works.

To the DASH diet

High protein products

From protein shakes to yogurts: what lies behind the high-protein trend.

Are they worth it?

Change your diet

A client's experience report shows why changing your diet pays off.

To the report
Ballaststoffe: Bitte mehr davon!

Eat fibre

Wholemeal products, bran, fruit: why do fibre-rich foods protect us from the likes of heart disease?

Healthy eating
Ketogene Diät: was steckt hinter der Ernährungsform?

Ketogenic diet

In the ketogenic diet, more than half of the nutritional intake consists of fats. How sensible is this?

Keto diet explained
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Man preparing food in kitchen.

Nutrition counselling

Make long-lasting changes to your eating habits with help from professionals.

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