Child in skeleton costume gymnastics on sofa

Alternative Insurance

Alternative forms of treatment complement conventional medicine. In the very same way, our Alternative Insurance complements basic insurance. A large number of benefits are included.

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The advantages for you

  • Free choice from a large number of CSS-recognised methods and service providers.
  • Generous maximum amount of CHF 10,000 per year.
  • Benefits provided without a doctor's prescription.

Good to know

Family friendly

There’s no deductible for children.

No-claims discount

You get a 50% discount if you don’t claim any benefits.


You don’t need a doctor's prescription to claim benefits.

Premiums & discount

Premiums depend on your age. Children benefit from a 25% family discount.

Frequently asked questions

Yes. In addition to Alternative Insurance 2001, there is myFlex Alternative Insurance.


Personal advice

Get in touch for a personal consultation.

Woman sitting on the sofa with laptop
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