Man washing laundry in a laundry room

Household Expenses Insurance

Are you the head of the household? Then you could be faced with extra financial outgoings if you fall ill or have an accident. Household Expenses Insurance covers additional household expenditure for things like child care, home help or home-delivered meals, and much more.

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The advantages for you

  • Covers additional household and family expenditure in the event of illness, accident and maternity.
  • We pay you up to CHF 100 a day.

Good to know

Same premiums

Premiums are the same for women and men.

Maternity included

Up to 30 days of daily indemnity payments are included for maternity.


You can view your policy at any time in our client portal.

How it works

Your premium depends on your age and the waiting period until benefits become payable. You can save money by choosing to wait longer.

Benefits at a glance

  • The insurance protects people aged between 16 and OASI retirement age who run a household.
  • Illness, accident and up to 30 days of daily indemnity payments for maternity are included in the cover.
  • Benefits are paid for 365 days within a period of 5 calendar years.
  • Possible waiting periods: 7, 14, 21 or 30 days. The longer the waiting period until benefits become payable, the lower the premium.
  • You insure a fixed daily amount of between CHF 10 and CHF 100.
  • You can claim benefits if you are certified to be able to work 50% or less.

Personal advice

Get in touch for a personal consultation.