Man sawing wood in front of the house

Medical Costs Insu­rance for Accidents

A lot of protection for a small amount of money. That's what Medical Costs Insurance provides if you have an accident anywhere in the world.

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The advantages for you

  • Free choice of doctor and hospital following an accident.
  • Home care, home help, spa treatments, recovery cures and the cost of aids are covered.
  • We are here for you 24/7 on 0844 277 277 in an emergency.
  • Medical costs insurance lets you take full advantage of the enjoy365 Health Shop and the active365 health app.

Medical Costs Insurance at a glance

Free choice

General, semi-private or private: You decide which ward or room.

Save 50% on premiums

Insure your children for half price.

Worldwide cover

You get worldwide cover at an attractive price.

How Medical Costs Insurance works

If you have an accident, Medical Costs Insurance for Accidents lets you choose the doctor or hospital and decide whether you would like to be treated on a private, semi-private or general ward.

Cover that makes sense for everyone

Medical Costs Insurance for Accidents gives the self-employed, stay-at-home parents, children and young people a lot of protection for a small amount of money. It also makes sense for people in employment as it closes gaps in their employer’s accident insurance.

Your premium at a glance

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Worth knowing about Medical Costs Insurance

Most working people are insured through their employer’s accident insurance. This often provides them with only minimal cover. Medical Costs Insurance closes gaps and ensures optimum treatment.

Accidents can happen suddenly

Medical Costs Insurance for Accidents is a reasonably priced way of supplementing mandatory accident insurance. It ensures the best-possible treatment by giving you a free choice of doctor, hospital and hospital room (semi-private / private).

CSS pays your medical costs for five years, with no limit to the amount. After that, it pays up to CHF 100,000 for your further recovery.

Benefits at a glance

Following the accident

Cost of transport

Unlimited cover for cost of transport and rescue operations

Search operations

Search operations – up to CHF 20,000 per insured person, or CHF 40,000 per event

Property damage resulting from violent crime

Up to CHF 2,000 for property damage resulting from violent crime

During recovery


Outpatient and inpatient treatment

Frequently asked questions

Yes. Medical Costs Insurance for Accidents covers you for trips and stays anywhere in the world (outside Europe, for up to 3 years).

Medical Costs Insurance pays a share of the costs of home help and medical aids, for example. myCSS lets you see exactly what benefits you are personally entitled to.

Yes. We cover the costs of treatment in a general, semi-private or private ward in public and private hospitals throughout Switzerland.

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