Boy playing soccer in the garden and grandmother rocking in the background

CSS Standard Insurance

CSS Standard Insurance combines outpatient and hospitalisation insurance. In other words, it provides protection in a way that ideally complements the benefits covered by basic insurance.

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The advantages for you

  • Inpatient care on a general ward.
  • Maternity benefits.
  • Spectacles & contact lenses.
  • Dental treatment.
  • Health promotion and prevention.

Good to know

Free choice

You decide which hospital in Switzerland you want to go to (general ward).

You’re even covered abroad

You enjoy worldwide cover for emergencies.

Fitness and exercise

We will pay a share of the cost of your efforts to pursue an active lifestyle.

Premiums & discount

Premiums depend on your age. Children benefit from a 75% family discount.

Woman sitting on the sofa with laptop
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