Dr Melanie Loessner – CSS nutritionist and communications expert

Dr Melanie Loessner

Nutritionist and communications expert

Dr Melanie Loessner is a nutritionist and communications expert. After her studies and doctorate at the Technical University of Munich and a family break, she spent many years working as a scientific editor of a specialist food journal at ETH Zurich. Her keen interest in health issues, the impact of nutrition and the inner workings of the human body led her into nutrition communication.

She is just as passionate about well-prepared texts and reliable content on nutrition, food and health as she is about the vegetables from her own vegetable patch and extensive travel, excursions, and hiking trips. Getting her hands dirty in the soil – planting, observing, harvesting, and getting out into nature – provides a welcome balance to her desk-based work. Her agency “vitamintexte” delivers rich, expert knowledge with a broader perspective – nutrition communication that’s thoughtfully prepared. All this on a relaxed, accessible and scientifically sound basis – and free of any preachiness. 

Articles by Dr Melanie Loessner

A large glass of warm apple cider vinegar stands on a table next to fresh apples.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is said to work wonders for the body. But which effects are true?

To the review
Sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe – Multitalente in Sachen Gesundheit

Secondary plant compounds

These foods are particularly high in secondary plant compounds.

To the list
Black cumin oil is said to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Black cumin oil

Is the oil a miracle cure? It’s said to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Read the facts
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