How do calcium and magnesium work together?

Magnesium und Kalzium: ihre Wirkung auf unsere Gesundheit

Calcium and magnesium are minerals that have opposite effects. While calcium activates the muscle cells, magnesium is a muscle relaxant. This explains why magnesium helps ease muscle cramps and has properties that protect the heart.

The latest findings show that the gut can absorb magnesium and calcium at the same time. However, the precise mechanisms by which they are transported require further investigation. Ultimately, however, we need both minerals, and in the right ratio. Otherwise, for example, a magnesium deficiency can lead to a calcium deficiency. Because the two minerals are dependent on each other in many important metabolic processes. So, it’s essential to get enough of both – especially for bone strength.

  • Calcium 1,000mg
  • Magnesium 300–400mg
Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and elite athletes need slightly more.

Overview of ideal foods

The overview shows different groups of foods, divided into calcium-rich and magnesium-rich.
  Rich in calcium Rich in magnesium
Drinks Milk, calciumrich-rich mineral water (min. 300mg/l) Magnesium rich mineral water (>50mg/l)
Dairy products All, especially buttermilk, quark, yoghurt, cheese Altervatives like soya milk, sesame
Meat/fish Plaice, herring, sardines Sea fish
Grains All except wheat bran Brown rice, millet
Fruit, veg All fruits, especially dried fruits Bananas
Vegetables Broccoli, all types of cabbage, amaranth, algae Kohlrabi, spinach
Pulses White beans, chickpeas Chickpeas, soya beans, lentils, beans
Seeds, nuts All, especially hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds
Pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, sesame

Tips for meals throughout the day


Oat muesli with sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, puffed amaranth, fruits and hazelnuts


For example, 100g brown rice, 150g spinach or 25g pumpkin seeds.


Broccoli soup with amaranth bread


Get into the habit of adding pumpkin seeds to your salad, or snacking on them between meals


Drink one litre of mineral water with a high magnesium content of 150mg/l.


If you’re mindful about what you eat, your diet – whether vegan or normal – should cover your calcium and magnesium needs.

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