Achilles tendon rupture

The Achilles tendon can either break suddenly with a snapping sound or tear slowly over time owing to small injuries. Consequently, you can no longer stand on your tiptoes on the injured leg. Surgery is often performed to repair the ruptur


The Achilles tendon can either break suddenly with a snapping sound or tear slowly over time owing to small injuries. Consequently, you can no longer stand on your tiptoes on the injured leg. Surgery is often performed to repair the rupture.


Main symptoms

  • The tendon can break with a clearly audible snapping sound, similar to the crack of a whip
    • This is followed by a sudden, sharp pain, which soon subsides
  • The tendon can also tear slowly without causing any pain
    • Owing to small injuries over a longer time period

Other symptoms

  • It’s impossible to stand on tiptoes on the injured leg

Causes and treatment


  • Sudden overload (e.g. changing direction, jumping when doing sport, a misstep, a blow against the tendon)
  • Repeated small strains and overstress
  • Long-term cortisone therapy

Further treatment by your doctor / in hospital

Possible tests
  • Ultrasound
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging, only in exceptional cases)
Possible therapies
  • Operation (sewing the tendon together)
  • Immobilisation with a plastic brace

What can I do myself?

The RICE guidelines should be applied:

  • Rest: immediately stop the activity
  • Ice: cool the injury by applying ice or a cool pack (be careful not to apply directly to the skin)
  • Compression: using an elastic bandage
  • Elevate: the foot

When to see a doctor?

  • If it's impossible to stand on tiptoes on the injured leg


Achilles tendon rupture

Exclusion of liability

CSS offers no guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of the information. The information published is no substitute for professional advice from a doctor or pharmacist.