Increasing-temperature footbath

Required material

Container, approx. 40 cm high

1 clock (max. bathing time is 10 minutes)

1 bath thermometer

1 hand towel


An increasing-temperature footbath can have a positive effect at the onset of a cold, if you tend to suffer from cold feet or if you have a sensitive bladder. The warm water dilates the blood vessels and stimulates circulation.

Fill ¾ of the container with warm water (approx. 33°). Put your feet in the water and increase the temperature every two minutes by slowly adding hot water. Don’t pour hot water over your legs.

The final temperature should not exceed 45° and the bathing time must not exceed 10 minutes. Stop bathing the feet earlier if the water gets too hot or you break out in a sweat.

How long: 10 minutes, not more than 1 footbath per day.

After the footbath, dry the feet well, put on warm socks and lie on the bed to rest for around 30 minutes.


An increasing-temperature footbath can have the following effects:

  • Stimulates circulation
  • Warming (for cold feet)
  • Brings relief if you have a cold
  • Helps for a sensitive bladder

Helps against

Colds, sensitive bladder, sensitivity to cold (cold feet)


increasing-temperature footbath, increasing-temperature foot bath

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