
Depression takes away your drive and can have serious consequences. We help you get back to health.

Venturing: CSS beteiligt sich an Flow Neuroscience

tDCS for depression

Doctors use the gentle electro-stimulation method to treat depression.

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Loneliness in old age

Loneliness is harmful and should be identified & overcome as soon as possible.

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Postpartum depression

Around 15% of mothers suffer from depression after childbirth.

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Signs of a depression

Weariness, inner emptiness and listlessness are possible symptoms of depression.

Recognising depression

Winter depression

The winter months typically lead to a gloomy mood. What helps with those winter blues?


Help in cases of depression

It's difficult to know what to do when a person we are close to is depressed.

What’s important
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A thoughtful man sits unhappily in his living room.
Online psychological training

Negative thoughts?

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