Man washing laundry in a laundry room

Co-payment: what you pay

Deductible, retention fee and contribution to hospital costs – this is how you participate in your healthcare costs.

Co-payment under basic insurance

Your health insurance premium depends on the chosen deductible, where you live and how old you are. Insured persons pay a share of their healthcare costs in the form of a deductible, retention fee and contribution to hospital costs. They are required to do so by law.

What is a deductible?

The deductible is the amount that you have to pay out of your own pocket whenever treatment costs arise under basic insurance. Adults must pay at least CHF 300 per year. There is no minimum deductible for children under 18. You have the option of choosing a higher deductible. That way, you take on more financial responsibility while enjoying a premium reduction.

Optional deductibles for adults

Table comparing the various optional deductibles for adults, showing the maximum premium reduction per month and year.
Optional annual
deductible for adults
Max. premium reduction
per month
Max. premium reduction
per year
Deductibles CHF 500 CHF 11.60 / month CHF 139.20 / year
Deductibles CHF 1'000 CHF 40.80 / month CHF 489.60 / year
Deductibles CHF 1'500 CHF 70.80 / month CHF 840.00 / year
Deductibles CHF 2'000 CHF 99.10 / month CHF 1'189.20 / year
Deductibles CHF 2'500 CHF 128.30 / month CHF 1'539.60 / year

Optional deductibles for children

Table comparing the various optional deductibles for children, showing the maximum premium reduction per month and year.
Optional annual deductible
for children
Max. premium reduction
per month
Max. premium reduction
per year
Deductible CHF 100 CHF 5.80 / month CHF 69.60 / year
Deductible CHF 200 CHF 11.60 / month CHF 139.20 / year
Deductible CHF 300 CHF 17.50 / month CHF 210.00 / year
Deductible CHF 400 CHF 23.30 / month CHF 279.60 / year
Deductible CHF 600 CHF 35.00 / month CHF 420.00 / year

Choose the right deductible

Check how much you spend on healthcare each year: under CHF 1,500? Choose a deductible of CHF 2,500. More than CHF 2'000? Choose CHF 300.

You can change your deductible each year, regardless of your medical history. You have until 30 November to lower the deductible and until 31 December to increase it.

10% retention fee

Once the deductible has been used up, CSS pays most of your healthcare costs. You pay the 10% retention fee, which is capped at CHF 700 per calendar year. With Multimed, you benefit from a reduced retention fee of max. CHF 400. For children, the maximum amount is always CHF 350.

Good to know: CSS provides a transparent breakdown of the costs on each benefit statement. And in myCSS, you can see how high your retention fee is and view all your statements in your overview of the year.

Example of co-payment for outpatient treatment

The table shows a doctor’s bill broken down into deductible and retention fee.
Outpatient medical bill
CHF 450
./. less standard deductible - CHF 300
Remaining amount
CHF 150
of which 10% is retention fee
- CHF 15
Total co-payment charged
to the insured person
CHF 315

Hospital contribution – amount for each day spent in hospital

The contribution to hospital costs is the equivalent of a retention fee for a stay in hospital. It is CHF 15 per day spent in hospital. Children under 18 and adults under 25 who are still in education do not pay a contribution to hospital costs. There is no upper limit per stay or calendar year. The contribution to hospital costs is not set off against the deductible or retention fee.

Avoid high costs: choose a recognised hospital

You generally have a free choice of hospital. Basic insurance covers the cost of a stay in any hospital that features on the hospital list for the canton in which you live.

Exceptions to co-payments

Children and young adults in education do not pay a daily contribution if hospitalised.

Rules for pregnant women

When pregnant, there is no co-payment for maternity benefits. If a pregnant woman falls ill or complications set in, this counts as illness until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy. The deductible and retention fee then apply.

Higher retention fee for medication

The co-payment for medication is normally 10% if the deductible has already been paid. If several medicines with the same combination of active ingredients are included in the Specialties List compiled by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), then the retention fee may amount to 40%. This does not apply if an originator product is prescribed for medical reasons. Special rules apply to the retention fee for medication under the family doctor and telemedicine models.

Co-payment under supplementary insurance

The retention fee for supplementary insurance is stated in the contract. You will find it on the policy or in the insurance conditions.

The retention fee for supplementary insurance is not offset against the co-payments for basic insurance.