Cancelling health insurance – when and how?


There are a few points to be noted by anyone wanting to cancel their health insurance. Our checklist helps you to follow the right procedure and give notice of cancellation at the right time.

How can I cancel my health insurance?

Whether switching to another provider, or cancelling a policy due to death or relocation abroad: in Switzerland, you can cancel basic insurance and supplementary insurance held with your health insurer. Your new health insurance provider will normally help you with all matters relating to cancellation.

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Cancelling basic insurance

Depending on the type of insurance, there are different points you need to be aware of when cancelling.

How to cancel basic insurance

  • Basic insurance is mandatory in Switzerland.
  • Contract term: 1 year
  • Period of notice: 1 month
  • Cancellation deadline: 30 November
  • If 30 November falls on a weekend, the deadline is the last working day of November. It’s the date of receipt that counts, not the postmark.
  • We recommend sending your notice of cancellation by registered post.
  • An exception applies if premiums go up during the year: basic insurance may be cancelled as of 31 March if the insurer is forced to raise its premiums before the end of the year.
  • Cancellation for insured persons with a CHF 300 deductible and free choice of doctor: basic insurance may be cancelled with effect from 30 June.

How to cancel supplementary insurance

  • Supplementary insurance is not mandatory.
  • CSS offers a choice of contract terms. These renew automatically for one year at a time.
  • Period of notice: 3 months
  • Cancellation deadline: notice to be given by 30 September for cancellation at the end of the calendar year.
  • If 30 September falls on a weekend, the deadline is the last working day of September. It’s the date of receipt that counts, not the postmark.
  • Note: to avoid unwanted surprises, wait until you’ve received confirmation of admission from your new insurer before telling your current insurer you want to cancel your supplementary insurance.
  • We recommend sending your notice of cancellation by registered post.

Would you like to change to CSS as your health insurer?

You can generate an offer in the premium calculator or ask for advice. Either take out the insurance directly online or send the signed application to us by post. Changing health insurer is easy. We’re happy to help you make the switch and give notice of cancellation.

Tips from our expert Olcay Gür

The Federal Office of Public Health announces the premiums for the following year each autumn. Your insurance provider will notify you of your new premium in writing by the end of October at the latest. You then have until 30 November to tell it you wish to cancel your basic insurance if planning to switch to a different general health insurance company.

Our expert Olcay Gür, client advisor in Sargans, answers the most frequently asked questions.

Can I cancel my basic insurance before finding a new insurer?

Yes. Basic insurance is mandatory for everyone who lives in Switzerland. That’s why general health insurance companies aren't allowed to refuse anyone wishing to join their basic insurance. There’s only one condition: you mustn’t have any outstanding bills from your old insurer on 31 December.  

Don’t forget: the new insurer must send the old insurer confirmation of continued cover.

Can I change my basic insurance without also changing my supplementary insurance?

Yes. But it’s important to communicate this clearly: both the subject line and the letter should clearly show which insurance policy is being cancelled. Lots of people don’t have their basic and supplementary insurance with the same provider.

Can I switch to another general health insurance company if I still have unpaid bills?

No, you can’t change provider while you still owe money for your basic insurance premiums or co-payment (deductible & retention fee). This requirement is laid down in the Federal Health Insurance Act.

I’m moving abroad. What do I need to know?

If emigrating, your obligation to have healthcare insurance generally ends when you leave the country. But if you would prefer to remain insured in Switzerland after emigrating, you can take advantage of the International Health Plan. Cover is valid worldwide. Please contact one of our experts.

I wouldn’t recommend an annual deductible of anywhere between CHF 500 and CHF 2,000.
Olcay Gür, client advisor in Sargans

I don’t want to switch, but is there any way I can save on costs?

Yes. Forgoing a free choice of doctor or adjusting the deductible are usually good ways of saving money. We recommend discussing it with your personal advisor.

Tips on making savings

  • If you spend more than CHF 1,800 a year on medical bills, choose an annual deductible of CHF 300.
  • If you spend less than CHF 1800 a year on medical bills, choose an annual deductible of CHF 2,500.

Why should I cancel my health insurance?

If you no longer require the benefits, for example. Or if the premium has gone up, or you’re no longer satisfied with the advice and service you’re receiving. When cancelling supplementary insurance, think long and hard about whether or not you’ll really need it in future. Because each time you take out new supplementary insurance, you have to answer questions about your state of health.

What CSS pays

Have you ever wondered whether or not your insurance covers a particular benefit? Fitness, massage, acupuncture, dental braces and more – in myCSS you can see right away what CSS pays.

Good to know: power of attorney in the event of death

Do you take care of insurance matters for someone close to you? Then it makes sense to file a power of attorney with CSS. When someone dies, their insurer must be informed.


Health insurance premiums at a glance

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