
Regular exercises help us keep our body healthy. But they can also help with complaints. Whether building muscles or relaxation – it’s worth making workouts a part of your daily routine.


Neck exercises

6 simple exercises for every day with which you can manage your neck pain.

Try them out

BlackBoard foot exercises

Effective exercises prevent foot pain, help with deformities and activate muscles.

Strengthen your feet

Strengthen the pelvic floor

There are all kinds of methods: from classic yoga or Pilates through to hula hoops.

To the training
6 Knie Übungen: Dieses Training schützt das Knie

Knee exercises

Physiotherapist demonstrates effective exercises to stabilise the knee.

Injury prevention

Aquafit exercises

You can easily fit some aquafit into your next swim at the pool.

Here’s how
Verdauung anregen: Zehn Minuten Yoga-Flow

Stimulate the digestive system

Rather than a strenuous workout, find relief from digestion problems with gentle yoga.

10-minute yoga flow

Exercises with a mini band

Simple and effective training with a mini band for at home and on the go.

Follow the training
Learn to do the handstand: with momentum against the wall

Learn to do the handstand

Learn to do the handstand in just a few steps. These exercises will show you how.

Here’s how
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Exercise coaching

Move more each day. How to stay motivated.

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Free movement exercises

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Whether for stretching, stamina, muscle-building or generally being more active: free exercises with the active365 app.