20 minutes of yoga for more balance
The body isn't always in balance. This is most evident when practising yoga. Sometimes even the simplest exercise throws us off balance. This is when a yoga session is the most effective as it's the synthesis of balance, breathing, strength training and stretching that returns us to our roots.
Yoga for more balance
During a stressful day, we often forget our balance. Not just our physical balance, but our mental balance too. Carmen Felder practises yoga on a daily basis to specifically work on this. For her, yoga is the perfect combination of core training, relaxation and balance training, and this is what she has put together in our 20-minute yoga flow.
20-minute yoga flow
6 yoga poses for balance
To train your balance, there are other yoga poses besides classic poses like the eagle. With these 6 yoga poses, you can test the balance of your whole body and find out where there is scope for improvement.
Plank: shoulders are set, head relaxed
Side plank: effective for whole body balance
The side plank is probably not most people’s favourite exercise but it’s highly effective for total body balance.
Table top pose for a stable core
Chair pose strengthens the calves
I find balance exercises in yoga particularly difficult. In my everyday life too, it's sometimes a challenge to find the right balance. Yoga doesn’t just train my balance – I also try to integrate what I learn on the mat into my everyday life.