An unmade bed and a burning bedside lamp.

Online sleep training

Do you have difficulty sleeping? A lack of sleep has a huge impact on our health and ability to function. The Sonoa app helps you find your way back to better sleep.

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The advantages for you

  • The app has relaxation techniques for body and mind, meditations and tips you can apply in everyday life.
  • The Sonoa app analyses your sleep habits and guides you through a sleep training programme that’s tailored to you.
  • Keeping a digital sleep diary lets you get to know your sleep patterns better, develop new sleep habits and find your way back to a restful night’s sleep.
  • Would you like to talk to someone about your sleep problems in person? Use our sleep coaching offer – a CSS Health Coach is there for you.

Online sleep training at a glance

Free for 6 months

For insured persons with at least one form of supplementary insurance from CSS.

Who’s it for?

The offer is designed for people who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

Designed by experts

Online sleep training was developed together with medical professionals and psychologists.

No substitute for a doctor

Using the app complements your doctor’s advice, but is not intended as a substitute.

How online sleep training works

The Sonoa app provides online sleep training spread over a number of lessons. You begin by answering various questions about the quality of your sleep in a virtual chat. You’ll then be given a sleep training programme that’s tailored to you. The app has many additional functions: it can set weekly goals and provide you with info about sleep, nutrition and exercise. It also has audio content and exercises promoting relaxation, breathing and mindfulness.

Keeping a sleep diary

One of the app’s main functions is the sleep diary. You make a note of when you go to bed, how long it takes you to get to sleep and whether you manage to stay asleep. That way, you get to understand your sleep better. The app then comes up with suitable recommendations and exercises for your sleep training.

Video explaining online sleep training

Sleep training will help you sleep better again. Your virtual coach Sonoa will guide you through the training.

Simply sign up

Would you like to sleep better? Simply sign up now. You’ll then receive an email with your personal code and a download link for the Sonoa app.

Frequently asked questions

Yes. Users were able to shorten the time it took them to fall asleep and the time they lay awake during the night by an average of 14 minutes after just 2 weeks of online sleep training.

Yes, if you have supplementary insurance with CSS you can use the Sonoa app free of charge for 6 months.

Don’t worry, you can continue to use the app. You pay the cost involved in any further usage yourself. You’ll be told the exact price per month and given further information in the app before the end of the 6 months.

Yes. You must be over 18 to take up this offer.

Sonoa is the name of the Pathmate Coach, which is operated by Pathmate Technologies AG as a medical device. Pathmate Technologies AG, Josefstrasse 219, 8005 Zurich bears sole responsibility at all times for the app's CE marking and compliance with the regulatory requirements.

Man stands with smartphone on ear at breakfast table.
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