Yoga: exercises, tips & tricks


Mat, asanas et al. – we explain what you need to know about yoga. Find more flexibility, strength and relaxation.

What is yoga?

Yoga is an old Indian teaching. Yoga is not just a sequence of exercises, it’s also a path towards the harmony of body, mind and spirit. And who today doesn’t sometimes yearn for inner peace?

Who is yoga for?

  • Anyone who can breathe can practise yoga
  • It doesn’t matter if you are old or inflexible – yoga can be adapted
  • Please consult a doctor if you have any health conditions
  • Special yoga practices for pregnant women and after birth too

How does yoga work?

It’s not an endurance run or a competition, but it’s also not an esoteric relaxation method. In one yoga session, almost all muscle groups in the body are activated and strengthened.

Advantages for health

  • Strengthens muscles and the immune system
  • Raises concentration levels
  • Relieves stress
  • Boosts vitality and self esteem
  • Improves sleep

The Sun Salutation alone can be quite strenuous. Many asanas (yoga poses) such as the Warrior use the body's own weight. And you can also feel your tight muscles in Downward-facing Dog.

In a yoga class, I'm at one with myself. When I concentrate on the exercises, the cinema in my head finally stops for a break.

The exercises mobilise the spine, which can release tension as well as blockages and build a strong body posture and a straight back. Yoga strengthens awareness of the body and its needs. Specific breathing and relaxation elements stimulate the vegetative nervous system, calm the mind and return the body to a state of balance.

Where can I practise?

In the comfort of your own home, in the park, on the beach or in a yoga studio. You can practise yoga anywhere where you can breathe. The floor should be flat – using a mat or blanket is more comfortable. We also recommend the active365 health app. It will motivate you as you journey towards greater mobility and mental health. Is water your element? With SUP yoga, you swap your mat for a stand-up paddle board, which will doubly strengthen your deep muscles.

What form does a yoga course take?

A yoga class lasts for 1 to 1.5 hours. It starts with breathing and meditation exercises to enable everyone to settle. Then the actual practice with the various asanas begins. The class finishes with The Corpse pose (Shavasana).

Yoga group in the middle of which a participant smiles warmly.
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How it works

Which yoga style is right for me?

Hatha, Kundalini, Vinyasa? Whether powerful, flowing, gentle, sweaty or meditative – there are many styles of yoga. To help you get started with yoga, we present a few popular types. By the way, they all have one thing in common: they use the same asanas, or 84 key poses. But don't worry, you don't have to master them all.

  • Hatha yoga: powerful
    The most popular style worldwide is Hatha yoga which incorporates a slow, strength-based change of asanas. Breathing exercises and meditations finish off the class. Ideal for beginners and tradition-conscious yogis.
  • Yin yoga: gentle
    A calm, relaxing style. The breath should flow freely and the individual poses are held for longer. Especially suited to beginners and those seeking to increase flexibility.
  • Ashtanga yoga: disciplined
    This method is highly dynamic and physically very intensive. Exercises from Hatha yoga are combined into a moving flow. If you’re looking for a real workout with yoga, this is the style for you.
  • Vinyasa yoga: dynamic
    The exercises in Vinyasa yoga combine movement with breathing. A dynamic, flowing style that exerts the body and calms the mind. For beginners and experienced yogis.
  • Kundalini yoga: spiritual
    In this dynamic, playful form of yoga, exercises are combined with relaxation techniques and mantras are sung. Suits all ages and beginners too.
  • Bikram yoga: sweat-inducing
    This is yoga practised in hot conditions. With a room temperature of approx. 40°+ Celsius and a humidity of approx. 40%, the training effect is intensive. Not suitable for anyone with poor circulation.

You’d like to deepen your yoga practice in a studio? We recommend that you start with a trial lesson or trial subscription. This will give you enough opportunity to get to know your yoga instructor and his or her style.

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